Please take your PTO
The M Dash Krystle Simms The M Dash Krystle Simms

Please take your PTO

PTO habits—and policies—vary widely depending on industry, company size and culture, and seniority, but one thing is clear: Americans value paid time off, but they aren’t taking enough of it. And things did get worse after the pandemic: In 2022, 55% of PTO went unused compared to 28% in 2019.

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When joy unexpectedly finds us
WBUR Krystle Simms WBUR Krystle Simms

When joy unexpectedly finds us

I celebrated July Fourth on the beach, where I spent a lot of time observing children explore the threshold between sea and shore. Watching them chase one wave out only to be chased back by the next coming in never gets old — at least when it’s not your kid, and you don’t have to enforce nap-time or reapply their sunscreen. I’m especially amused by the kids who spend hours rolling around and digging in the sand, unbothered by looking like a panko-crusted cutlet.

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